
Dr. Yogesh Mishra

Assistant Professor

Research Repository

Research Gate
Google Scholar

Research Statement

In the realm of legal studies, I have explored the domain of Disability Laws in the context of the changing technological ecosystem, specifically emerging Artificial Intelligence. My focus has been on the intricacies of Public Law with an emphasis on Constitutional and Administrative Law. This research pursuit aligns with the University's goals of working towards an equitable and inclusive society by augmenting legal structures to serve and safeguard the marginalised.

My scholastic trajectory commenced with a curious investigation of the subtle equilibrium of authority between political institutions and entitlements of individuals. I am intrigued by the examination of intricate interplays between constitutional frameworks and administrative bodies, particularly in instances where these interactions have implications for individual rights and community cohesiveness. Discrimination and Societal Inequalities are further exacerbated in some cases with biases in Artificial Intelligence. Exploring the same in the context of the current Disability Laws is my growing interest.


Constitutional Law (PL40001)
Administrative Law (CL30007)

Areas of Interest

Public Law (Constitutional Law, Administrative Law);
Disability Laws and Artificial Intelligence

Membership Details

Cambridge Higher Education Panel Member
USA Law Journal Hub, The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology (TAJPSLC)
Journal of Legal Studies & Research
National Social and Legal Law Journal
Jurisperitus: The Law Journal

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